Same Kind of Different As Me by Ron Hall

same kind

Same Kind of Different As Me was generally well-liked, though some thought it got a bit preachy.

Some highlights:

  • Why didn’t the Halls just make a big endowment to the mission?  Maybe they did, but the book wasn’t really about that.
  • People tend to make judgments about the homeless.  It’s also easy to feel superior to them.
  • Deborah forgiving Ron after his affair paved the way for them to be happier than ever.  But how many of us could really do that?
  • Modern examples of prejudice – breastfeeding, giving a lady a ticket for not speaking English!
  • How do you combat your personal prejudices? Recognizing them, avoiding them, educating yourself, putting yourself in that person’s shoes
  • It’s weird how some racist jerks will say something offensive to another white person, assuming they share the same views.
  • If you were homeless, how would you want people to respond to you?
  • Is it harder to give or to receive forgiveness? Most people said it’s easier to give.
  • Why do bad things happen to good people?  Is it because everything is random and there is no reason?
  • Was Ron Hall really right behind Kennedy when he was shot?
  • What are 3 things you want to be remembered for?  Whether you help 1000 people or just 1 person, you can make a difference in the world.
  • Liked the quote about standing up and facing your enemy, though someone may look like an enemy but not really be one.
  • “We woke up!” Continue reading